S15 – Late Quaternary Southeast Asian Palaeogeography and Paleoecology: Barriers and Connections, Endemism and Exchange

The Late Quaternary is characterized by a series of climatic cycles of alternating interglacial and glacial periods that has shaped the biogeographic histories of plants and animals, including those of our species. In Southeast Asia, these cycles have dramatically influenced the region’s paleogeography, with some islands being connected to the mainland in periods of low […]

S11 – The Austronesian Diaspora: A Major Event in Human History

Today, Austronesian languages are spoken by almost 400 million people in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, New Zealand, and Madagascar. Austronesian was the most widespread language family in the world before the 16th century, and multiple disciplines have examined how it developed and spread across an impressive range over the course of thousands of […]

S10 – Asian Palaeolithic Artefacts in Worldwide Context: Raw Material Circulation, Technological Features and Methodologies

The symposium aims to showcase interdisciplinary and comprehensive studies of Palaeolithic stone tools in Asia, situating them within a global context of understanding the human past. The session is particularly interested in research questions relating to raw material circulation and technological features. The identification of lithic raw material sources (both primary and secondary deposits) offers […]

S09 – Past and future of archaeological collections. Field exploration, movements, preservation (19th-21st c.). History of science and practitioners’ perspectives

The symposium is organised by the UISPP Commission on the History of Archaeology [https://histarcheo.hypotheses.org], in collaboration with the Commission “Southeast Asia: Human Evolution, Dispersals and Adaptations”. It  will concentrate on the creation, transmission and movements of prehistoric collections – including natural history specimens, human remains, and artefacts –, from the colonial era to the present […]

S08 – Human history heritage and communities

This symposium aims at promoting a conversation on experiences and strategies to involve local communities in the construction of an awareness and understanding of the relevance of Human evolution history, from early peopling in the Pleistocene to the Holocene farming and metallurgy adaptive innovations. The symposium will build from presentations of case studies and theoretical […]

S07 – Nurturing Connections: Water, Forests, and Societal Resilience

Welcome to the thematic symposium within the framework of the UISPP inter-congress conference “Asian Prehistory Today: Bridging Science, Heritage and Development.” This symposium, guided by the scientific committee’s theme of “Facing resources challenges through time: Water and Forests,” aims to explore the intricate relationships between water systems, forests, humans and societal resilience across time and […]

S06 – Tourism, Community Development, and Prehistoric Heritage: Challenges for Sustainability

This meeting in UISPP inter-congress conference “Asian Prehistory Today: Bridging Science, Heritage and Development”, will explore the complex relationship between tourism, community development, and the preservation of prehistoric heritage, focusing on sustainability. The following main topics will be addressed: The meeting aims to promote an interdisciplinary dialogue among archaeologists, heritage managers, tourism professionals, and community […]

S04 – Rock Art and Symbolic Behaviors

Rock art studies today make use of a wide range of disciplines that usually work on a multi- and interdisciplinary basis. From the application of methodologies in two or three dimensions, chemical and physical analyses, dating, DNA studies, interpretation, archaeological excavation, contextualisation in ancestral landscapes, symbolic behaviour, conservation problems and a wide range of computer […]

S03 – Dating Asian Quaternary and Prehistoric records: challenges, materials, methods

The Asian continent is an unique land for human evolution as it is a combination of continental landmasses and island territories. Numerous human remains and artifacts preserved during the past over 2 million years, provide valuable archives for reconstructing the evolution history of human kind. It holds great importance to establish a robust chronostratigraphic framework […]