S01 – The hominins’ trek to the islands: in memoriam T. Jacob and Y. Coppens

This meeting is a tribute to the paleoanthropologists Teuku Jacob and Yves Coppens whose lives were  dedicated to answer the problem related to  the origin and evolution of the  hominins of Southeast Asia and Africa.

The   communications presented here aim to provide information concerning the exit of the first hominins from Africa around 2.0 mya and their arrival in Southeast Asia, their dispersal, and adaptations to this new environment. They may also concern the archaeological  evidence left by these hominins between these two  far separated geographical regions.

Furthermore, the meeting will deal as well about the facts of their presence in both continental and islands Southeast Asia, or even the evidence of their expansion in space and time in Indonesia (Java and Flores), the Philippines (Luzon, Palawan), and in Malaysia (Niah, Serawak), when they evolved to Anatomical Modern Humans. 

For inquiries and submissions, please contact:

Dominique Grimaud-Hervé, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris – dominique.grimaud-herve@mnhn.fr

Yousuke Kaifu, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo – kaifu@um.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Harry Widianto, Research Centre of Archaeometry, National Research and Innovation Agency, – harrywidianto58@gmail.com