S57 – Biological Anthropology Unveiled: Human Evolution, Migration, and Adaptation Across Time and Space

This session seeks to foster a comprehensive exploration of biological anthropology, encompassing a wide range of chronological, geographic, theoretical, and methodological perspectives. By bringing together researchers from diverse backgrounds, we aim to stimulate critical dialogue, share innovative approaches, and advance our understanding of human evolution and migration.

A particular emphasis will be placed on the study of prehistoric peopling and migration in Asia, providing a valuable opportunity to examine the biological adaptations, genetic variations, and cultural practices that have shaped human history in these regions.

We encourage submissions from graduate students and junior researchers, as their fresh perspectives and emerging findings are essential for driving progress in the field. Potential topics include but are not limited to:

  • Methodological advancements: New techniques in paleogenomics, bioarchaeology, and other related disciplines.
  • Biocultural interactions: The interplay between biological and cultural factors in shaping human populations.
  • Human migration and dispersal: Patterns of population movement and gene flow across time and space.
  • Health and disease: The prevalence and impact of various health conditions in past populations.
  • Human-environment interactions: The relationship between humans and their surrounding environments.

This session will provide a broader understanding of human evolutionary history and the factors that have influenced diversity across different regions. We invite researchers to submit oral or poster proposals on a wide range of topics, and the session may be subdivided into sub-sessions based on the specific themes proposed by the authors.

For inquiries and submissions, please contact:

Julie Arnaud, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, UNIFE (Italy) – julie.arnaud@unife.it

Dominique Grimaud-Hervé, UMR 7194 – HNHP, MNHN (France) – dominique.grimaud-herve@mnhn.fr

Carlos Lorenzo, Area de Prehistoria, URV, IPHES (Spain) – carlos.lorenzo@urv.cat

Antonio Profico, Dipartimento di Biologia, UNIPI (Italy) – antonio.profico@unipi.it