This symposium aims at promoting a conversation on experiences and strategies to involve local communities in the construction of an awareness and understanding of the relevance of Human evolution history, from early peopling in the Pleistocene to the Holocene farming and metallurgy adaptive innovations. The symposium will build from presentations of case studies and theoretical reflections, on one hand privileging case studies in Asia and, on the other, presenting comparative approaches to experiences and reflections in other continents.
While engaging communities is often mentioned as a priority, the fact remains that several difficulties occur in practical terms: the absence of a clear definition of the concept of “community”, both in conceptual and I n legal terms; the conceptual distance between notions formulated in different linguistic clusters and cultural traditions; the diversity of attitudes of communities facing prehistoric evidences; etc. The symposium invites scholars dealing with these concerns to participate, including those engaged in transdisciplinary research and participative sciences projects. How to involve communities with UNESCO and related programmes.
For inquiries and submissions, please contact:
Sih Natalia Sukmi, Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga,
Luiz Oosterbeek, Insistuto Politécnico Tomar,
Abdoulaye Camara, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal,